More than 3500 entertainers

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We found 413 entertainers who can reach Lausanne

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Dan Ward (UK/CH) - Singer-Songwriter and One-Man-Band, with 150 covers

57 Verified Bookings

Professional UK Singer-Songwriter and One-Man-Band in Switzerland: Weddings, Festivals, Events, Bars

Acoustic, Cover, Guitarist, Male singer, One Man Band, Original, Voice & guitar (solo)

Bern, CH


41 Reviews


500 CHF

DJ Chris, Alleinunterhalter

46 Verified Bookings

Meine Musik welche ich auflege kommt beim Publikum seit Jahren gut an

Background Music DJ, Club , Lounge, Original, Party DJ

Bern, CH


32 Reviews


250 CHF

Jad Magicien Illusionniste

46 Verified Bookings

International award winning magician, shows in 3 languages

Conjurer, Mentalist

Fribourg, CH


30 Reviews


on request

Nyna Dubois - Professionelle Sängerin mit eigener Pianobegleitung (Pop/Jazz

21 Verified Bookings

Swiss Voice 2022 & Swiss Music Award 2019 - Die Stimme für Ihren Anlass. Buchen Sie jetzt!

Acoustic, Cover, Female singer, Karaoke, Keyboard player, Male singer, One Man Band, Original, Pianist, Piano Bar, Voice & piano (solo)

Bern, CH


15 Reviews


1500 CHF

Magou Magic

16 Verified Bookings

Magician, entertainer, balloon sculptor and cotton candy maker

Balloon Twister, Clown, Conjurer, Magic for Children

Fribourg, CH


11 Reviews


650 CHF


2 Verified Bookings

#funk #jazz #latin #blues

Cover, Jazz Band, Original

Gwatt, CH


2 Reviews


1250 CHF

1 chanteuse, 1 chanteur, 3 musiciens, modern covers

Cover, Pop-Rock Partyband, Semi- & Acoustic duo/trio voice & guitar, Trio

Genève, CH

0 Reviews


1250 CHF


4 Verified Bookings

Swiss Voice Tour Gewinnerin Nyna Dubois und der renommierte Berner Musiker Jonas Zahnd - DAS Duo!

Acoustic, Cover, Female singer, Keyboard player, Male singer, Original, Pianist, Voice & piano (solo)

Bern, CH


2 Reviews


2250 CHF

Schönes Piano

34 Verified Bookings

Beautiful, dreamy piano sounds

Acoustic, Keyboard player, Pianist, Piano Bar

Bern, CH


24 Reviews


250 CHF

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What is a town hall meeting at the beginning of the year and why should every company organize one?

What is a town hall meeting at the beginning of the year and why should every company organize one?

Have you ever heard of a “Townhall Meeting” at the beginning of the year? It's no ordinary meeting, but a strategic event that can have a significant impact on the entire organization. For HR or marketing managers, a town hall is the perfect opportunity to make a proposal to management and involve the whole team in planning for the year ahead.

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Membership Campaign: successes, feedback, and promising future

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